What are public keys and private keys ?
You can create the keys using Security section, public keys are the keys that you are going to share it with us and private keys are going to be used in generating the JWT to communicate with NearPay when using any function like purchase , refund , etc.
Which package name should I share ?
You need to share the package name for the Android project with the NearPay team.
How can I change the environment ?
You can define the environment in Nearpay project
val nearpay = NearPay(this, jwt, Locale.getDefault(), Environments.SANDBOX)
What are the different environments ?
We have three main environments:
- SandBox: where you integrate the SDK on Sandbox Environment
- Testing: we will test your app with Saudi Payment and get it approved
- Production : here you can go live
What Android version can be used with the SDK ?
You can use it with android 10 or higher.
What are the requirements to run SDK on Android ?
- You need to have an NFC in your device
- You need to allow location
How can I generate JWT ?
What is JWT ?
JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties.
How can I get the client uuid ?
NearPay Team will send you a client uuid once we have received the public key and the android package name.
When do I need to logout ?
When NearPay service is no longer needed . For example when the users logout from your app , they need to logout from NearPay service (means the terminal) as well. So, they cannot use the service when they are logged out .
What is reconciliation ?
Payment reconciliation is an accounting process that verifies account balances to ensure all sets of records are true, consistent, and up-to-date. Businesses can reconcile their accounts daily, weekly, or monthly.
What is a customer reference number ?
Customer reference number is a number that identifies your customer ID, so you can assign any number you want as customer reference number , also it is optional so you can leave it empty if you wish. You can use customer reference number in Purchase and Refund.
How can I make a purchase ?
You can just call purchase and our UI will show up to make a payment.
How Can i Retry a Transaction?
Can I design my own receipt ?
Yes you can, we have transaction receipt
How can I disable the ui of the receipt ?
We have a feature to enable or disable the receipt ui and all our functions, just set enableReceiptUi to false .
Where can I see my transactions ?
You can see all transactions in client dashboard, also you can list it using the API
How can I get the reconciliation data ?
You can get all the reconciliation data when you make a reconcile we will return all the data , you can find it
How can I know the version of the payment plugin ?
Go to Settings - > Apps - > Payment Plugin -> Version
When should the developer mode be turned off?
Whenever the SDK environment is on production , if the developer mode is not off then you can not communicate with Nearpay to make any transactions .
How can I print the receipt ?
You can get the qr_code URL from the receipt and print it out
Can the user refund more than the paid amount in the transaction?
No , user can not exceed the paid amount .
Can the user issue more than one refund per transaction?
Multiple refunds is possible as long as it doesn’t exceed the paid amount
What's the difference between Refund and Reverse
- Refund: you can do it anytime , also you can do partial refund and you can do it more than once
- Reverse: it can be done only after the purchase within 60 seconds , and the whole amount will be reversed .
TRSMs and Terminals
How can I create terminals?
There are two ways to create terminal :
- Client Dashboard Go to TRSMs page and create a new one then create a new merchant, now you can go to terminals and create new terminals
- Use create terminal API
Can I disconnect the terminal and link it to another device?
Yes since the terminal is not connected to any device.
Can I connect one terminal to two devices at the same time?
No, only one terminal can connect to one device at the same time.
How do I assign a terminal to my merchant?
Your backend can return JSON Web Token based on user , so every token will contain a different terminal id . For example , every user in your app will have a terminal id linked to that user , so when the user login to your app , your backend will send JWT for that user to login to our SoftPOS SDK. For more information , you can see how the JWT can be generated