Webhook is a construct used by an application to notify other applications that an event occurred. More precisely, webhook is a user-defined HTTP callback.
Available events
By default Nearpay webhooks can be triggered by the following events:
Event Name | Description |
Triggered when a new transaction got approved from the bank that issued the customer's payment card | |
Triggered when a transaction got rejected from the bank that issued the customer's payment card. Can happen due to insuffecient funds, frozen account status, expiration date, etc | |
Triggered when a transaction got reversed from the bank that issued the customer's payment card or from the SDK by applying reverse function | |
Triggered when a terminal got reconciled from the SDK, the API, manually from dashboard, or from reconciliations policies | |
Triggered when a device disconnected from a terminal. Disconnecting a device from a terminal happens when a user logs out, or manually from dashboard | |
Triggered when a device connected to a terminal. Connecting a device to a terminal happens when a user successfully logs in to the SDK by phone number or email, or the JWT authentication method used to log in to the SDK succeeds | |
Triggered when a user got unassigned from a terminal by revoking his access manually from dashboard, or through the APIs | |
Triggered when the terminal got updated by changing the payment providers, features, loyalty program manually from dashboard | |
Triggered when a user assigned to a terminal manually from the dashboard | |
Triggered when new terminal got registered in the dashboard | |
When an admin got revoked manually from the dashboard | |
When a new admin user is added in the dashboard | |
Triggered when a Public key got regenerated from the dashboard | |
Triggered when your api key got regenerated from the dashboard | |
Triggered when a new admin got created and assinged to a merchant | |
Triggered when a merchent admin got revoked | |
Triggered when a new merchant got created in the client account | |
Triggered when a new app added manually from the dashboard | |
Triggered when a new supported sdk got added | |
triggered when a supported SDK got removed | |
triggered when a new releasee got upgraded manually from the dashboard |
Transaction Approved
Please note the following:
- If "is_approved": true, and "is_refunded": false that means the transaction is an approved purchase transaction
- If "is_approved": true, and "is_refunded": true that means the transaction is an approved refund transaction
- "is_reversed": will always be false here
"id": "c98b2091-27fc-5642-b3ac-91f1d2eb07d3",
"pan": "5069 68** **** 5760",
"tid": "0200066700000667",
"qr_code": "https://sandbox-api.nearpay.io/ui/receipt/c43b2091-6742-27fc-b3ac-91f1d2eb07d3",
"currency": {
"arabic": "ر.س",
"english": "SAR"
"end_date": "20/06/2023",
"end_time": "11:56:03",
"merchant": {
"id": "100000000000001",
"name": {
"arabic": "NearPay Merchant Arabic",
"english": "NearPay Merchant"
"address": {
"arabic": "4321",
"english": "KAFD"
"category_code": "0763"
"kernel_id": "02",
"entry_mode": "CONTACTLESS",
"pan_suffix": "",
"start_date": "20/06/2023",
"start_time": "11:56:03",
"action_code": "000",
"card_scheme": {
"id": "P1",
"name": {
"arabic": "مدى",
"english": "mada"
"is_approved": true,
"is_refunded": false,
"is_reversed": false,
"transaction": {
"id": "59835"
"amount_other": {
"label": {
"arabic": "مبلغ النقد",
"english": "NAQD AMOUNT"
"value": "0.00"
"approval_code": {
"label": {
"arabic": "رمز الموافقة",
"english": "Approval Code"
"value": "790200"
"status_message": {
"arabic": "مقبولة",
"english": "Approved"
"thanks_message": {
"arabic": "شكرا لاستخدامكم مدى",
"english": "Thank you for using mada"
"card_expiration": "24/09",
"receipt_line_one": {
"arabic": "",
"english": ""
"receipt_line_two": {
"arabic": "",
"english": ""
"transaction_type": {
"id": "00",
"name": {
"arabic": "شراء",
"english": "PURCHASE"
"transaction_uuid": "c43b6431-23a7-4a54-96ff-e23bb0d1015e",
"amount_authorized": {
"label": {
"arabic": "مبلغ الشراء",
"english": "PURCHASE AMOUNT"
"value": "5.00"
"card_scheme_sponsor": "INMA",
"verification_method": {
"arabic": "لا يتطلب التحقق",
"save_receipt_message": {
"arabic": "يرجى الاحتفاظ بالفاتورة",
"english": "please retain receipt"
"application_cryptogram": "3DCFAEE023EC843D",
"application_identifier": "A0000004321912",
"customer_reference_number": null,
"payment_account_reference": "34R0380DORHB43PPOD0NL7SY71VK6",
"system_trace_audit_number": "000180",
"retrieval_reference_number": "000000034523",
"cryptogram_information_data": "80",
"pos_software_version_number": "1.0.0",
"terminal_verification_result": "8020000001",
"transaction_state_information": "0000",
"cardholader_verfication_result": "1F0256"
Transaction Rejected
Please note the following:
- If "is_approved": false, and "is_refunded": false that means the transaction is a declined purchase transaction
- If "is_approved": false, and "is_refunded": true that means the transaction is a declined refund transaction
- "is_reversed": will always be false here
"id": "6d92404e-d5ff-4fcd-8590-29d18410522d",
"pan": "5069 68** **** 6618",
"tid": "0200111100001111",
"qr_code": "https://sandbox-api.nearpay.io/ui/receipt/95cd551c-66e5-8590-4fcd-29d18410522d",
"currency": {
"arabic": "ر.س",
"english": "SAR"
"end_date": "20/06/2023",
"end_time": "12:35:14",
"merchant": {
"id": "100000000000001",
"name": {
"arabic": "NearPay Merchant Arabic",
"english": "NearPay Merchant"
"address": {
"arabic": "4321",
"english": "KAFD"
"category_code": "0763"
"kernel_id": "02",
"entry_mode": "CONTACTLESS",
"pan_suffix": "",
"start_date": "20/06/2023",
"start_time": "12:35:14",
"action_code": "112",
"card_scheme": {
"id": "P1",
"name": {
"arabic": "مدى",
"english": "mada"
"is_approved": false,
"is_refunded": false,
"is_reversed": false,
"transaction": {
"id": "59848"
"amount_other": {
"label": {
"arabic": "مبلغ النقد",
"english": "NAQD AMOUNT"
"value": "0.00"
"approval_code": {
"label": {
"arabic": "رمز الموافقة",
"english": "Approval Code"
"value": "674531"
"status_message": {
"arabic": "مرفوضة",
"english": "DECLINED"
"thanks_message": {
"arabic": "شكرا لاستخدامكم مدى",
"english": "Thank you for using mada"
"card_expiration": "24/03",
"receipt_line_one": {
"arabic": "",
"english": ""
"receipt_line_two": {
"arabic": "",
"english": ""
"transaction_type": {
"id": "00",
"name": {
"arabic": "شراء",
"english": "PURCHASE"
"transaction_uuid": "95cd551c-4faf-454f-9302-4faf12a3e8b",
"amount_authorized": {
"label": {
"arabic": "مبلغ الشراء",
"english": "PURCHASE AMOUNT"
"value": "51.12"
"card_scheme_sponsor": "INMA",
"verification_method": {
"arabic": "لا يتطلب التحقق",
"save_receipt_message": {
"arabic": "يرجى الاحتفاظ بالفاتورة",
"english": "please retain receipt"
"application_cryptogram": "6AEB48ED4A792610",
"application_identifier": "A0000002281010",
"customer_reference_number": null,
"payment_account_reference": "45R0305RGQWHBIB3ASVQRTCIZG45G",
"system_trace_audit_number": "000042",
"retrieval_reference_number": "000000059848",
"cryptogram_information_data": "80",
"pos_software_version_number": "1.0.0",
"terminal_verification_result": "8020008001",
"transaction_state_information": "0000",
"cardholader_verfication_result": "1F0302"
Transaction Reversed
Please note the following:
- If "is_approved": true, and "is_refunded": false that means the transaction is a reversed purchase transaction
- If "is_approved": true, and "is_refunded": true that means the transaction is a reversed refund transaction
- "is_reversed": will always be true here
"id": "1dfd17cf-2f69-40e2-65c6-f2fa866b46ce",
"pan": "5069 68** **** 5760",
"tid": "0200034200000444",
"qr_code": "https://sandbox-api.nearpay.io/ui/receipt/b33c6f94-2f34-40e2-64c6-f4fa332b46ce",
"currency": {
"arabic": "ر.س",
"english": "SAR"
"end_date": "20/06/2023",
"end_time": "11:56:10",
"merchant": {
"id": "100000000000001",
"name": {
"arabic": "NearPay Merchant Arabic",
"english": "NearPay Merchant"
"address": {
"arabic": "4321",
"english": "KAFD"
"category_code": "0763"
"kernel_id": "02",
"entry_mode": "CONTACTLESS",
"pan_suffix": "",
"start_date": "20/06/2023",
"start_time": "11:56:10",
"action_code": "400",
"card_scheme": {
"id": "P1",
"name": {
"arabic": "مدى",
"english": "mada"
"is_approved": true,
"is_refunded": false,
"is_reversed": true,
"transaction": {
"id": "59835"
"amount_other": {
"label": {
"arabic": "مبلغ النقد",
"english": "NAQD AMOUNT"
"value": "0.00"
"approval_code": null,
"status_message": {
"arabic": "قبلت",
"english": "ACCEPTED"
"thanks_message": {
"arabic": "شكرا لاستخدامكم مدى",
"english": "Thank you for using mada"
"card_expiration": "24/09",
"receipt_line_one": {
"arabic": "",
"english": ""
"receipt_line_two": {
"arabic": "",
"english": ""
"transaction_type": {
"id": "00",
"name": {
"arabic": "عملية معكوسة",
"english": "REVERSAL"
"transaction_uuid": "456740aa-71a7-4f04-86bc-e25aa0d1015e",
"amount_authorized": {
"label": {
"arabic": "المبلغ الملغي",
"english": "REVERSED AMOUNT"
"value": "5.00"
"card_scheme_sponsor": "INMA",
"verification_method": {
"arabic": "لا يتطلب التحقق",
"save_receipt_message": {
"arabic": "يرجى الاحتفاظ بالفاتورة",
"english": "please retain receipt"
"application_cryptogram": "2DCFAEE023EC713D",
"application_identifier": "A0000002281010",
"customer_reference_number": null,
"payment_account_reference": "45R4380DORHB43PPOD0NL4SY46VK3",
"system_trace_audit_number": "000181",
"retrieval_reference_number": "000000059835",
"cryptogram_information_data": "80",
"pos_software_version_number": "1.0.0",
"terminal_verification_result": "8040000002",
"transaction_state_information": "0000",
"cardholader_verfication_result": "1A0302"
Terminal Reconciled
"id": "2d04c490-99dc-46c9-939e-5a0f30663910",
"date": "19/02/2023",
"time": "16:28:21",
"details": {
"total": {
"count": 3,
"label": {
"arabic": "المجموع",
"english": "Total"
"total": "0.05"
"refund": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "المستردة",
"english": "Refund"
"total": "0.00"
"purchase": {
"count": 2,
"label": {
"arabic": "الشراء",
"english": "Purchase"
"total": "0.09"
"refund_reversal": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "المستردة المعكوسة",
"english": "Refund Reversal"
"total": "0.00"
"purchase_reversal": {
"count": 1,
"label": {
"arabic": "الشراء المعكوسة",
"english": "Purchase Reversal"
"total": "0.04"
"qr_code": "https://staging.nearpay.io/ui/reconciliation_receipt/2d04c490-99dc-46c9-939e-5a0f30663910",
"schemes": [
"pos": {
"debit": {
"count": 2,
"label": {
"arabic": "مدين",
"english": "Debit"
"total": "0.09"
"total": {
"count": 3,
"label": {
"arabic": "المجموع",
"english": "Total"
"total": "0.05"
"credit": {
"count": 1,
"label": {
"arabic": "دائن",
"english": "Credit"
"total": "0.04"
"host": {
"debit": {
"count": 2,
"label": {
"arabic": "مدين",
"english": "Debit"
"total": "0.09"
"total": {
"count": 3,
"label": {
"arabic": "المجموع",
"english": "Total"
"total": "0.05"
"credit": {
"count": 1,
"label": {
"arabic": "دائن",
"english": "Credit"
"total": "0.04"
"name": {
"label": {
"arabic": "مدى",
"english": "mada"
"value": "P1"
"is_balanced": true
"pos": {
"debit": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "مدين",
"english": "Debit"
"total": "0.00"
"total": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "المجموع",
"english": "Total"
"total": "0.00"
"credit": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "دائن",
"english": "Credit"
"total": "0.00"
"host": {
"debit": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "مدين",
"english": "Debit"
"total": "0.00"
"total": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "المجموع",
"english": "Total"
"total": "0.00"
"credit": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "دائن",
"english": "Credit"
"total": "0.00"
"name": {
"label": {
"arabic": "فيزا",
"english": "Visa"
"value": "VC"
"is_balanced": true
"pos": {
"debit": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "مدين",
"english": "Debit"
"total": "0.00"
"total": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "المجموع",
"english": "Total"
"total": "0.00"
"credit": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "دائن",
"english": "Credit"
"total": "0.00"
"host": {
"debit": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "مدين",
"english": "Debit"
"total": "0.00"
"total": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "المجموع",
"english": "Total"
"total": "0.00"
"credit": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "دائن",
"english": "Credit"
"total": "0.00"
"name": {
"label": {
"arabic": "ماستر كارد",
"english": "MasterCard"
"value": "MC"
"is_balanced": true
"pos": {
"debit": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "مدين",
"english": "Debit"
"total": "0.00"
"total": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "المجموع",
"english": "Total"
"total": "0.00"
"credit": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "دائن",
"english": "Credit"
"total": "0.00"
"host": {
"debit": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "مدين",
"english": "Debit"
"total": "0.00"
"total": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "المجموع",
"english": "Total"
"total": "0.00"
"credit": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "دائن",
"english": "Credit"
"total": "0.00"
"name": {
"label": {
"arabic": "امريكان اكسبرس",
"english": "American Express"
"value": "AX"
"is_balanced": true
"pos": {
"debit": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "مدين",
"english": "Debit"
"total": "0.00"
"total": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "المجموع",
"english": "Total"
"total": "0.00"
"credit": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "دائن",
"english": "Credit"
"total": "0.00"
"host": {
"debit": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "مدين",
"english": "Debit"
"total": "0.00"
"total": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "المجموع",
"english": "Total"
"total": "0.00"
"credit": {
"count": 0,
"label": {
"arabic": "دائن",
"english": "Credit"
"total": "0.00"
"name": {
"label": {
"arabic": "الشبكة الخليجية",
"english": "GCCNET"
"value": "GN"
"is_balanced": true
"user_id": "a33d09d3-3a8e-4680-86c2-bc91713b7b79",
"currency": {
"arabic": "ر.س",
"english": "SAR"
"end_date": "19/02/2023",
"end_time": "16:28:21",
"merchant": {
"id": "100000000000001",
"name": {
"arabic": "123455",
"english": "NearPay-Test Terminal INMA"
"address": {
"arabic": "4321",
"english": "KAFD"
"category_code": "0763"
"terminal": {
"id": "54dc65b5-0c94-4889-b85b-1eee5e746925"
"client_id": "6d92404e-d5ff-4fcd-8590-548a54657450",
"device_id": "1fa8ab88-b776-48d3-b2ce-0bda359b99b5",
"created_at": "2023-02-19T13:28:21.715Z",
"start_date": "19/02/2023",
"start_time": "16:28:21",
"updated_at": "2023-02-19T13:28:21.715Z",
"is_balanced": {
"label": {
"arabic": "الموازنة إكتملت",
"value": true
"merchant_id": "a33d09d3-3a8e-4680-86c2-bc91713b7b79",
"reconciliation": {
"id": "2d04c490-99dc-46c9-939e-5a0f30663910"
"card_scheme_sponsor_id": "",
"card_acceptor_terminal_id": "0100001000000010",
"system_trace_audit_number": "000043",
"pos_software_version_number": "1.0.0"
Terminal Device Disconnected
"id": "0502b3f0-d00d-49c5-8feb-73a986687521",
"tid": "0100001000000010",
"name": null,
"user": {
"id": "1470cc83-e803-40df-9ccb-fb33496b040d"
"client": {
"id": "6d92404e-d5ff-4fcd-8590-548a54657450"
"device": {
"id": "1fa8ab88-b776-48d3-b2ce-0bda359b99b5"
"merchant": {
"id": "a33d09d3-3a8e-4680-86c2-bc91713b7b79"
"created_at": "2023-02-15T09:46:30.700Z",
"updated_at": "2023-02-19T13:18:41.344Z"
Terminal Device Connected
"id": "0502b3f0-d00d-49c5-8feb-73a986687521",
"tid": "0100001000000010",
"name": null,
"user": {
"id": "1470cc83-e803-40df-9ccb-fb33496b040d"
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"device": {
"id": "1fa8ab88-b776-48d3-b2ce-0bda359b99b5"
"merchant": {
"id": "a33d09d3-3a8e-4680-86c2-bc91713b7b79"
"created_at": "2023-02-15T09:46:30.700Z",
"updated_at": "2023-02-19T13:18:41.344Z"
Terminal User Unassigned
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"tid": "0100001000000010",
"name": null,
"user": {
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"device": {},
"merchant": {
"id": "a33d09d3-3a8e-4680-86c2-bc91713b7b79"
"created_at": "2023-02-15T09:46:30.700Z",
"updated_at": "2023-02-19T13:16:26.884Z"
Terminal Updated Configurations
"id": "fcb46b39-16f4-4869-a3d4-7ee3db593082",
"is_completed": true
Terminal User Assigned
"id": "0502b3f0-d00d-49c5-8feb-73a986687521",
"tid": "0100001000000010",
"name": null,
"user": {
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"device": {},
"merchant": {
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"created_at": "2023-02-15T09:46:30.700Z",
"updated_at": "2023-02-19T13:16:26.884Z"
Terminal Registered
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"tid": "0100002000000020",
"name": null,
"client": {
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"merchant": {
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"created_at": "2023-02-19T13:27:46.745Z",
"updated_at": "2023-02-19T13:27:46.745Z"
"id": "e896d8df-154f-4770-bfeb-dac677f20b44",
"tid": "0100002100000021",
"name": null,
"client": {
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"merchant": {
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"updated_at": "2023-02-19T13:27:46.820Z"
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